Abstract Bubble Masthead Background
A brief Step-by-Step Breakdown
The background for the masthead on my portfolio homepage was a brief project aimed at creating a visually appealing element. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of my thoughts and the creation process.
I began by creating initial mockups using Autodesk 3ds Max and Arnold, as I find that working in 3D allows me to better visualize and understand the volume, scale, and layouts. My goal was to feature a primitive object at the center of the image, surrounded by motion that seemed to be influenced by the object's presence.

Test of Composition, render quality low for quick iteration.
Following a series of and tests, I introduced modifiers to deform the geometry surrounding the primitive . By leveraging modifiers such as Ripple, Wave, and Bend, I was able to achieve quick and simple movement that could be easily animated along a timeline, helping to easily choose a moment to dynamic and engaging composition. The use of Arnold lights with different colors helped draw attention to the varying heights of the ripples, adding depth and visual interest.
Screenshot of scene setup in 3ds Max.
Altering the modifiers in 3ds Max to create motion.
With the 3D composition finalized, I rendered a series of small-scale videos and stills to test and refine the design. This allowed me to experiment with color tweaks in Photoshop, adding depth where I thought it was lacking. The far right sample is an example of me adding too many color adjustments. You may have noticed that the primitive object (the sphere) originally had some deformation applied to it. However, I later decided to remove this deformation, opting for a smoother, more refined surface instead.

Raw still render from Arnold in 3ds Max.

Final raw still from Arnold in 3ds Max.
Final composed motion Video after adjustments.
After rendering, I composited the frames into a video in Adobe After Effects and extracted a still image. In Photoshop, I added depth of field and made color tweaks to enhance the final output.

Masthead Image after Photoshop adjustments and refinements. Camera in the render has been moved back to incorporate more ripples.